Can children with rare forms of diabetes skip insulin shots?
Monogenic diabetes is a rare form of diabetes estimated to represent up to 6 % of pediatric diabetes cases. Some patients can avoid lifelong insulin medication and complications through lifestyle management or alternative treatment in the form of oral antidiabetic drugs. They require specific medical care, notably during pregnancy. Depending on their clinical profile, the majority of patients remain undiagnosed or misdiagnosed as type 1 or type 2 diabetes. Hence, patients and their relatives remain unaware of their familial condition and do not benefit from adapted care. Our group innovatively combines genomics and proteomics to help clinical teams find families at risk and provide them with personalized care.

What is influencing growth during early childhood?
The share of children struggling with weight management is increasing globally. What is fueling this global rise in pediatric metabolic imbalance? Our group studies the growth of children from the womb to teenagehood, identifying the biological mechanisms sustaining growth at different stages of development, and the associated risk factors.

Do you want to conduct exciting research on these questions, use your skills to help children and families? Contact us!