Successful PhD Defence – Advanced Free Energy Methods in Retrospective and Prospective Drug Design: Application to Serine Proteases
Friday 13 December Parveen Gartan successfully defended his thesis named “Advanced Free Energy Methods in Retrospective and Prospective Drug Design: Application to Serine Proteases”. Follow this link to access the thesis, and this link for more information about the defence. Congratulations!
December 16, 2024

CBUs Franziska Görtler receives high-ranking grant
Researcher and member of CBU Franziska Görtler has been awarded funding from RCN (Research Council of Norway) FRIPRO for early career researchers. With this she will receive 8 million NOK to establish and conduct research that will, over three years from 2026, work on groundbreaking projects with significant medical benefits.
In addition to being a valuable member of CBU, Franziska is a researcher at the Department of Clinical Science at the Faculty of Medicine. Her research mainly focuses on algorithm development for immune cell deconvolution in tissues.
Through loss-function learning optimziation, she wants to find out more about the dissection of the cellular distributions and the cell-type specific regulation patterns in spatial transcriptomics data.
Big congratulations from all of us!
Here is a link to the full list of the grant recipients.
December 10, 2024
Top European grant to CBUs Marc Vaudel
Associate Professor and member of CBU Marc Vaudel has been awarded a prestigious ERC Consolidator Grant. With this he will receive around 23 million NOK to establish a research group that will, over the next five years, work on groundbreaking projects with significant societal benefits.
In addition to being a valuable member of CBU, Marc is a researcher at the Department of Clinical Science at the Faculty of Medicine. His research mainly focuses on women’s pregnancies, symptoms and complications during pregnancy, as well as what controls both the mother’s and the fetus’s genetic material.
Through advanced computer modeling, he wants to find out more about women’s symptoms early in pregnancy. The symptoms can provide important information about the mother’s risk of cardiovascular disease later in life.
Big congratulations from all of us!
December 4, 2024

Postdoc Sean Alexander Bankier – Young Scientist Award 2024
Japan Society for Human Genetics has awarded Sean Bankier, postdoctoral fellow in the Michoel Group, with the Young Scientist Award 2024. JHG Young Scientist Award recognises articles by young researchers that have made significant contribution to Journal of Human Genetics, thanks to their scientific excellence and impact in the field of human genetics.
Bankier received the award for the article “Variation in the SERPINA6/SERPINA1 locus alters morning plasma cortisol, hepatic corticosteroid binding globulin expression, gene expression in peripheral tissues, and risk of cardiovascular disease“.
November 4, 2024
ELIXIR4 Grant Secured for ELIXIR Norway
Great news from the Research Council of Norway! The ELIXIR4 Open Life Science project, led by Professor Sushma Grellscheid at CBU, has been approved for funding under the RCN Infrastructure program. This grant marks the fourth in a series of investments that provide foundational support for Norway’s node in the European research infrastructure ELIXIR, dedicated to biological data and linked to significant fields such as cancer research, biodiversity studies, and pathogen surveillance, utilizing advanced data science and AI techniques.
This achievement underscores the importance of ELIXIR as an intergovernmental organization fostering research collaboration across 25 countries, especially in today’s geopolitical landscape. This grant secures Norway’s continued contribution to the ELIXIR mission.
September 27, 2024

Picture: Randi Heggernes Eilertsen
Norwegian Bioinformatics Days in Bergen
140 participants from all across Norway and 6 keynote speakers joined the 2nd edition of the Norwegian Bioinformatics Days in Bergen for 3 days filled with exciting talks, workshops and poster sessions.
May 31, 2024
CBU Leaders workshop
On March 13th CBU group leaders gathered at the Thon Hotel Rosenkrantz Bergen for the workshop to discuss science and strategies.
March 14, 2024
Feedback from the national evaluation conducted by the Norwegian Research Council
Today we received the results of the Research Council’s evaluation of the CBU activity over the last ten years. We received very good publicity and top marks in both organization and research quality, as well as almost full pot in “societal impact”. Congratulations to everyone at CBU!
March 8, 2024