45. Adaptive digital tissue deconvolution.
Görtler F, Mensching-Buhr M, Skaar Ø, Schrod S, Sterr T, Schäfer A, Beißbarth T, Joshi A, Zacharias HU, Grellscheid SN, Altenbuchinger M. Bioinformatics. 2024 40(Suppl 1):i100-i109. 10.1093/bioinformatics/btae263
44. PRPF8-mediated dysregulation of hBrr2 helicase disrupts human spliceosome kinetics and 5´-splice-site selection causing tissue-specific defects.
Atkinson R, Georgiou M, Yang C, Szymanska K, Lahat A, Vasconcelos E, Ji Y, Molina M, Collin GJ, Queen R, Birthe D, Watson A, Kurzawa-Akanbi M, Laws R, Saxena A, Beh C, Siachisumo C, Göertler F, Karwatka M, Lako M. Nat Commun. 2024 15. 10.1038/s41467-024-47253-0
43. FAIR+E pathogen data for surveillance and research: lessons from COVID-19.
Neves A, Cuesta I, Hjerde E, Klemetsen T, Salgado D, van Helden J, Rahman N, Fatima N, Karathanasis N, Zmora P, Åkerström WN, Grellscheid SN, Waheed Z, Blomberg N. Front Public Health. 2023 11:1289945. 10.3389/fpubh.2023.1289945
42. An integrated RNA-proteomic landscape of drug induced senescence in a cancer cell line.
Al-Roshdi M, Stevenson T, Görtler F, Grellscheid SN. F1000Research. 2023 12:1013 10.12688/f1000research.133203.1
41. Traditional Norwegian kveik yeast: an ancient sister group to domesticated Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
40. A bending rigidity parameter for stress granule condensates.
Law JO, Jones CM, Stevenson T, Williamson TA, Turner MS, Kusumaatmaja H, Grellscheid SN. Sci Adv. 2023 9(20):eadg0432. 10.1126/sciadv.adg0432
39. MERISTEM-DEFECTIVE regulates the balance between stemness and differentiation in the root meristem through RNA splicing control.
Thompson HL, Shen W, Matus R, Kakkar M, Jones C, Dolan D, Grellscheid S, Yang X, Zhang N, Mozaffari-Jovin S, Chen C, Zhang X, Topping JF, Lindsey K. Development. 2023 150(7):dev201476. 10.1242/dev.201476
38. Progressive motor and non-motor symptoms in Park7 knockout zebrafish.
Chavali LNM, Yddal I, Bifulco E, Mannsåker S, Røise D, Law JO, Frøyset A-K, Grellscheid SN, Fladmark KE. Int J Mol Sci. 2023 24(7):6456. 10.3390/ijms24076456
37. An integrated RNA-proteomic landscape of drug induced senescence in a cancer cell line.
36. Peptide-based coacervate-core vesicles with semipermeable membranes.
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35. Using shape fluctuations to probe the mechanics of stress granules.
34. Particle detection and tracking with DNA.
O’Hare CAJ, Matsos VG, Newton J, Smith K, Hochstetter J, Jaiswar R, Kyaw W, McNamara A, Kuncic Z, Grellscheid SN, Bœhm C. Eur Phys J C. 2022 82, 306. 10.1140/epjc/s10052-022-10264-6
Georgiou M, Yang C, Atkinson R, Pan KT, Buskin A, Molina MM, Collin J, Al-Aama J, Goertler F, Ludwig SEJ, Davey T, Lührmann R, Grellscheid SN, Johnson CA, Ali R, Armstrong L, Korolchuk V, Urlaub H, Mozaffari-Jovin S, Lako M. Clin Transl Med. 2022 12(3):e759. 10.1002/ctm2.759
32. Deep conservation of ribosome stall sites across RNA processing genes.
Chyżyńska K, Labun K, Jones C, Grellscheid SN, Valen E. NAR Genom Bioinform. 2021 3(2):lqab038. 10.1093/nargab/lqab038
31. Neutrophils induce paracrine telomere dysfunction and senescence in ROS‐dependent manner.
Lagnado A, Leslie J, Ruchaud-Sparagano MH, Victorelli S, Hirsova P, Ogrodnik M, Collins AL, Vizioli MG, Habiballa L, Saretzki G, Evans SA, Salmonowicz H, Hruby A, Geh D, Pavelko KD, Dolan D, Reeves HL, Grellscheid SN, Wilson CH, Pandanaboyana S, Doolittle M, von Zglinicki T, Oakley F, Gallage S, Wilson CL, Birch J, Carroll B, Chapman J, Heikenwalder M, Neretti N, Khosla S, Masuda CA, Tchkonia T, Kirkland JL, Jurk D, Mann DA, Passos JF. EMBO J. 2021 40(9):e106048. 10.15252/embj.2020106048
30. Drug and siRNA screens identify ROCK2 as a therapeutic target for ciliopathies.
29. Unrestrained ESCRT-III drives micronuclear catastrophe and chromosome fragmentation.
Vietri M, Schultz SW, Bellanger A, Jones CM, Petersen LI, Raiborg C, Skarpen E, Pedurupillay CRJ, Kjos I, Kip E, Timmer R, Jain A, Collas P, Knorr RL, Grellscheid SN, Kusumaatmaja H, Brech A, Micci F, Stenmark H, Campsteijn C. Nat Cell Biol. 2020 22, 856–867. 10.1038/s41556-020-0537-5
Ehrmann I, Crichton JH, Gazzara MR, James K, Liu Y, Grellscheid SN, Curk T, de Rooij D, Steyn JS, Cockell S, Adams IR, Barash Y, Elliott DJ. eLife. 2019 8, e39304. 10.7554/eLife.39304
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25. Disrupted alternative splicing for genes implicated in splicing and ciliogenesis causes PRPF31 retinitis pigmentosa.
Buskin A, Zhu L, Chichagova V, Basu B, Mozaffari-Jovin S, Dolan D, Droop A, Collin J, Bronstein R, Mehrotra S, Farkas M, Hilgen G, White K, Pan K-T, Treumann A, Hallam D, Bialas K, Chung G, Mellough C, Ding Y, Krasnogor N, Przyborski S, Zwolinski S, Al-Aama J, Alharthi S, Xu Y, Wheway G, Szymanska K, McKibbin M, Inglehearn CF, Elliott DJ, Lindsay S, Ali RR, Steel DH, Armstrong L, Sernagor E, Urlaub H, Pierce E, Lührmann R, -Grellscheid SN, Johnson CA, Lako M. Nat Commun. 2018 9, 4234. 10.1038/s41467-018-06448-y
24. Human iPSC-derived RPE and retinal organoids reveal impaired alternative splicing of genes involved in pre-mRNA splicing in PRPF31 autosomal dominant retinitis pigmentosa.
Lako M, Buskin A, Zhu L, Chichagova V, Basu B, Mozaffari-Jovin S, Dolan D, Droop A, Collin J, Hilgen G, Armstrong L, Sernagor E, Luehrmann R, Grellscheid SN, Johnson C. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2018 59(9):1563. 10.1101/232397
23. Medicinal Mascarene Aloes: An audit of their phytotherapeutic potential.
Lobine D, Cummins I, Govinden-Soulange J, Ranghoo-Sanmukhiya M, Lindsey K, Chazot PL, Ambler CA, Grellscheid SN, Sharples G, Lall N, Lambrechts IA, Lavergne C, Howes M-JR. Fitoterapia. 2018 124, 120-126. 10.1016/j.fitote.2017.10.010.
21. Cellular senescence drives age-dependent hepatic steatosis.
Ogrodnik M, Miwa S, Tchkonia T, Tiniakos D, Wilson C, Lahat A, Day C, Burt A, Palmer A, Anstee Q, Grellscheid SN, Hoeijmakers J, Barnhoorn S, Mann D, Bird T, Vermeij W, Kirkland J, Passos J, Zglinicki T, Jurk D. Nat Commun. 2017 8, 15691. 10.1038/ncomms15691
20. Structural basis of RNA recognition and dimerization by the STAR proteins T-STAR and Sam68.
Feracci M, Foot JN, Grellscheid SN, Danilenko M, Stehle R, Gonchar O, Kang H-S, Dalgliesh C, Meyer NH, Liu Y, Lahat A, Sattler M, Eperon IC, Elliott DJ, Dominguez C. Nat Commun. 2016, 10355. 10.1038/ncomms10355
19. A tale of two paralogs: human Transformer2 proteins with differential RNA-binding affinities.
Ghosh P, Grellscheid SN, Sowdhamini R. JBSD. 2015 34(9), 1979–1986. 10.1080/07391102.2015.1100551
18. Comparison of senescence-associated miRNAs in primary skin and lung fibroblasts.
Holly AC, Grellscheid S, van de Walle P, Dolan D, Pilling LC, Daniels DJ, von Zglinicki T, Ferrucci L, Melzer D, Harries LW. Biogerontology. 2015 16(4):423-34. 10.1007/s10522-015-9560-5
17. Molecular mechanisms of mTOR regulation by stress.
Heberle AM, Prentzell MT, van Eunen K, Bakker BM, Grellscheid SN, Thedieck K. Mol Cell Oncol. 2014 2(2):e970489. 10.4161/23723548.2014.970489
16. TSC1 activates TGF-β-Smad2/3 signaling in growth arrest and epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition.
Thien A, Prentzell MT, Holzwarth B, Kläsener K, Kuper I, Boehlke C, Sonntag AG, Ruf S, Maerz L, Nitschke R, Grellscheid SN, Reth M, Walz G, Baumeister R, Neumann-Haefelin E, Thedieck K. Dev Cell. 2015 32(5):617-30. 10.1016/j.devcel.2015.01.026
15. Detecting translational regulation by change point analysis of ribosome profiling data sets.
Zupanic A, Meplan C, Grellscheid SN, Mathers JC, Kirkwood TB, Hesketh JE, Shanley DP.
14. A reassessment of consensus clustering for class discovery.
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13. The splicing landscape is globally reprogrammed during male meiosis.
Schmid R, Grellscheid SN, Ehrmann I, Dalgliesh C, Danilenko M, Paronetto MP, Pedrotti P, Grellscheid D, Dixon RJ, Sette C, Eperon IC, Elliott DJ. Nucleic Acids Res. 201341(22), 10170-10184. 10.1093/nar/gkt811
12. Inhibition of mTORC1 by Astrin and stress granules prevents apoptosis in cancer cells.
Thedieck K, Holzwarth B, Prentzell MT, Boehlke C, Kläsener K, Ruf S, Sonntag AG, Maerz L, Grellscheid SN, Kremmer E, Nitschke R, Kuehn EW, Jonker JW, Groen AK, Reth M, Hall MN, Baumeister R. Cell. 2013 154(4): 859-874. 10.1016/j.cell.2013.07.031
11. How does Tra2β protein regulate tissue-specific RNA splicing?
Elliott DJ, Best A, Dalgliesh C, Ehrmann I, Grellscheid SN. Biochem Soc Trans. 2012 40(4): 784–788. 10.1042/BST20120036
10. Identification of evolutionarily conserved exons as regulated targets for the splicing activator tra2β in development.
Grellscheid SN, Dalgliesh C, Storbeck M, Best A, Liu Y, Jakubik M, Mende Y, Ehrmann I, Curk T, Rossbach K, Bourgeois CF, Stevenin J, Grellscheid D, Jackson MS, Wirth B, Elliott DJ. PLOS genet. 2011 7(12), e1002390. 10.1371/journal.pgen.1002390
9. Identification of novel androgen-regulated pathways and mRNA isoforms through genome-wide exon-specific profiling of the LNCaP transcriptome.
Rajan P, Dalgliesh C, Carling PJ, Buist T, Zhang C, Grellscheid SN, Armstrong K, Stockley J, Simillion C, Gaughan L, Kalna G, Zhang MQ, Robson CN, Leung HY, Elliott DJ. PLoS One. 2011 6(12), e29088. 10.1371/journal.pone.0029088
8. Molecular design of a splicing switch responsive to the RNA binding protein Tra2β.
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7. Nonsense-mediated messenger RNA decay of survival motor neuron 1 causes spinal muscular atrophy.
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6. Applying genetic programming to the prediction of alternative mRNA splice variants.
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5. The testis‐specific human protein RBMY recognizes RNA through a novel mode of interaction.
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4. Alternative RNA splicing regulation in the testis.
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3. An apparent pseudo-exon acts both as an alternative exon that leads to nonsense-mediated decay and as a zero-length exon.
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2. A class of human exons with predicted distant branch points revealed by analysis of AG dinucleotide exclusion zone.
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1. Regulation of alternative splicing by PTB and associated factors.
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3. Differential mRNA alternative splicing. In: Aransay.
Lahat A, Grellscheid SN. Field Guidelines for Genetic Experimental Designs in High-Throughput Sequencing. Springer. 2016. 10.1007/978-3-319-31350-4_5
2. Ribosome profiling. In: Aransay.
Zupanic A, Grellscheid SN. Field Guidelines for Genetic Experimental Designs in High-Throughput Sequencing. Springer. 2016. 10.1007/978-3-319-31350-4_8
1. Detection of alternative Tra2β regulated splicing. In: Application Guide.
Best A, Grellscheid SN, Elliott DJ. QIAGEN. 2016 12. PDF
PhD thesis
The role of cis-acting sequences in the regulation of α-tropomyosin alternative splicing.
Grellscheid SN. University of Cambridge. 2003. Google scholar